Invest In Property

We focus on returns, not looks

Our Investment Philosophy has been distilled down to 10 core beliefs, and none of them are about following the herd! If you want average returns then just keep your money where it is. Alternatively, if you want to protect your money from the downside risk or the next GFC, if you want to profit from the market movements that will absolutely happen in the coming years then speak to us.


Get Strategic Advice Where are you at? Property Strategies Free Resources Book a Free Property Analysis Meeting
  • Have a home and equity
  • Experienced investor
  • Getting ready to retire
  • Retired with investment income
  • Buy land, Build & Sell
  • Split 1 into 2
  • Land subdivision
  • Renovate, subdivide & Sell
  • Commercial Property for cashflow
  • Commercial Property Development



All our Wealth Partners have extensive experience and have implemented the same types of strategies for themselves and their family as they recommend to you.
Meet the Team


We only recommend investments that we would invest in with our family.


We partner with you to create the best strategies and investments to achieve your goals with the highest degree of certainty.


All our Wealth Partners are required to hold the highest level qualifications.

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We will inform you about any commission we may receive from anything we recommend prior to you making a decision on the suitability of that recommendation.

Total Wealth Management

We consider both shares and property as investment options available to you.
Ask yourself, are you really getting Total Wealth Management where you are, right now?

Our Proven Property Strategies

There are many ways to make money in property. The right strategy for you should consider many things like your experience, appetite for risk and expected returns. But there are also strategies to avoid as their risk is far greater than the likely return. Don’t get sold a property that the agent gets paid a commission on. Speak to us to get real investment property strategies. We work for you, not the developer.

Invest in Commercial Property

Our experience in Commercial Property means that you can access a team with proven results. Similar to residential property in that it is still property, it has much longer leases with established tenants on higher yields than residential property.